Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented

Connections. Advocacy. Resources. Equity. Support.

Community Hub

MCGT strives to create an inclusive community of those interested in supporting gifted & talented learners.

“The support and information I received through MCGT was essential in helping me to navigate the waters of raising my highly gifted children. Connecting with other parents, attending the conferences and seminars gave me the tools I needed to parent my children while also maximizing their educational experiences in a K-12 system that wasn’t always a good fit. Thank you MCGT!”

-Parent of Gifted Children


MCGT chapters are formal group of MCGT members, organized by district, region, or other common goals. A chapter has officers, collecting a portion of each member’s MCGT membership fee, and using those funds as they wish. 

Community Groups

MCGT Community Groups are informal gatherings of interested parents. No bylaws, officers, or financials. Just connections, sharing, and support. 

MCGT Events

MCGT hosts a variety of speaker events, discussion groups, children and family events, and an annual conference/Expo. Information can be found on our events calendar or follow us on social media.

MCGT’s Facebook Posts

Don't miss the MCGT Annual Picnic! All are welcome, you don't have to be a MCGT member, but RSVPs are requested. RSVP here now: mcgt.wildapricot.org/event#mcgtdidyouknowd#MNGifted #MNGifted #MCGTf#MCGTM#MCGTcares##MCGTConnectionso#mcgtannualpicnicnualPicnic See MoreSee Less
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MCGT ANNUAL PICNIC! FREE!! All are welcome!!Saturday, Aug. 3, 10am – 1pmFind all the details and RSVP Online Now! mcgt.wildapricot.org/event-5771113Join MCGT for our annual summer picnic. It's a great opportunity to talk to and connect with other familie#MNGiftedi#MCGTcaresC#MCGT##MCGT##giftedadultsmnl#mcgtannualpicnici#megt##giftedfamiliesMNi#giftedparentingnt#MCGTConnectionst#SocialEmotionalGiftedi#giftededucationmnio#2e #2E See MoreSee Less
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Caregiver Conversations: Parenting in the Adult Years: 6 sessionsTuesdays, August 27 – Oct 1, 5:30 – 7:00pm CDT (UTC -5), via ZoomMore Information and Register online: mcgt.wildapricot.org/event-5552723Topics include:Traits of Gifted Adult ChildrenEvolving Family RelationshipsThe Journey from Active Parent to Mentor ParentRethinking Communication with Your Gifted Adult KidsThe Bumpy Road to Wisdom Who Are We Now?Cost: $180 per household (parenting and caregiving partners welcome)Questions? Email [email protected]#MCGT #MNGifted #MCGT #giftedroads #MCGTcares #MCGTConnections #SocialEmotionalGifted #giftedadults See MoreSee Less
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Don't miss MCGT's Lean on Me Monthly Discussion Group – All are welcome!Tuesday, July 23⋅7:30 – 8:30pm CDTYou are not alone in this journey of parenting bright children. Find your people in this monthly discussion group where we talk about raising gifted, creative and talented children. The group focuses on listening, generating ideas, resource sharing, and is for anyone who is a caregiver of elementary and teenage gifted, creative and talented kids. The group will be facilitated by Dr. Teresa Argo Boatman, a local psychologist who specialties in working with gifted people. Join Zoom Meeting:zoom.us/j/95140691227Meeting ID: 951 4069 1227Passcode#MCGT7#MNGifted #DrTeresaArgoBoatmanr#MCGTcares##MCGTa#LeanOnMeDrTeresaBoatmane#mcgtleanonmeG#MCGTConnectionso#giftedparetningdparetning See MoreSee Less
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Many thanks to MCGT Platinum Sponsor, Arete Academy, for providing MCGT with office space! See MoreSee Less
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“More important than the many timely and relevant resources MCGT offers, MCGT provided our family with an understanding and welcoming place to share experiences without judgment. We were not alone on this journey but with friends.”

-Parent of a Gifted Child

“As a parent, MCGT was a source of knowledge and support. As a professional, it has provided a resource bank, a feeling of acceptance, and a sense of community, for all of which I am grateful.”

-Parent of a Gifted Child

Thinking of becoming a member? MCGT provides membership benefits.

Click here to view a complete list of MCGT Member benefits!

Discussion Groups

Talented Tots

Do you have a bright or talented kid between the ages of 1 and 5? Come discuss all the hilarity, exasperation, and joy of raising bright young kids with other parents who get it! This supportive parent community is a place to ask questions, share stories, meet new friends, and exchange tips and ideas.

Building Bridges

Are things just not working at school even though your child is really smart? Does your child have wide differences in skills? You may be parenting a twice exceptional child. Join the MCGT 2E discussion group to connect with other parents who are also on this journey, discussing concerns, successes, educational options and much more

Lean on Me

You are not alone in this journey of parenting bright children. Find your people in this monthly discussion group where we talk about raising gifted, creative & talented children