Building community and empowering families of gifted & talented children from all backgrounds through five core values: Connections, Advocacy, Resources, Equity, and Support.
Find more information on our Discussion Groups page and find the dates on our website calendar.
No Registration Required. All are Welcome!
What is a CHAT Night? CHAT (Connect. Help. Advocate. Talk.) Nights are dedicated to informally connecting parents of gifted children, helping them find other parents in similar situations with an ear to listen, experiences to share, and solutions to offer. Each CHAT Night starts with a brief (10-15 minutes) presentation by a facilitator on a designated topic of interest followed by small group discussion. The format of CHAT Nights is intended to be casual, rather than structured.
No Registration Required. All are Welcome!
Imagine all the people you’ve told the story of your gifted child to; imagine all the people you’ve chosen not to tell the story of your gifted child to. You are invited to an evening of conversation that shares why their story from your perspective is one of the most valuable tools in your parenting toolbox.
What is a CHAT Night? CHAT (Connect. Help. Advocate. Talk.) Nights are dedicated to informally connecting parents of gifted children, helping them find other parents in similar situations with an ear to listen, experiences to share, and solutions to offer. Each CHAT Night starts with a brief (10-15 minutes) presentation by a facilitator on a designated topic of interest followed by small group discussion. The format of CHAT Nights is intended to be casual, rather than structured.
Exploring Our Own Needs as Gifted and Multi-exceptional Adults
February 25, 2025 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Via Zoom
CHAT Meet Up (In-Person): Anxiety and Gifted People
February 26, 2025 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Arete Academy, 10225 Yellow Cir Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55343, USA