Building community and empowering families of gifted & talented children from all backgrounds through five core values: Connections, Advocacy, Resources, Equity, and Support.
Registration for MCGT’s 2022 Annual Conference is now open to MCGT members!
Don’t miss your chance to register early!
Registration will open to everyone on November 1st, and Children’s Program classes will fill up quickly!
This training is intended for gifted education coordinators, specialists, and those with responsibility for planning school services for gifted students.
New this year – zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered to attend. Did you miss an earlier session? You can still register for the series and watch the video recordings of sessions that you missed!
If only raising gifted and twice-exceptional kids were as easy as everyone thinks! Parents of bright kids know that finding ways to coach their child to become an independent, confident, and successful individual is harder than most people realize. This session focuses on helping parents find neurodiversity-affirming strategies to support their gifted or twice-exceptional children.
Connect with other parents through our chapters and MCGT communities.
Caregiver Conversations: Parenting Gifted & 2E Kids with Gifted Roads
April 1, 2025 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
via Zoom
AI Meets IQ: Exploring Talent Development with Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Eric Calvert
April 7, 2025 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
via Zoom