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Gifted Acronyms & Terminology | Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented

Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented

Connections. Advocacy. Resources. Equity. Support.

Gifted Acronyms/Terminology

General Gifted Terms:

2E or 2X – Twice-Exceptional

3E – Three or more Exceptionalities

GT – Gifted & Talented

HA – High Ability

HG – Highly Gifted

Neurodiversity – neurological differences or variations

PG – Profoundly Gifted

TD – Talent Development

Gifted Education Terms:

Cluster classroom – when identified gifted students at a grade level are assigned to one classroom with a teacher who has special training in how to teach gifted students.

Compacting – Using pre-assessment to adjust the curriculum, removing content that has already been mastered, making time for new content

Differentiation – Providing instruction and content in different ways and at different levels to meet students’ unique needs

Early Entrance – Beginning kindergarten or first grade when younger than the general age cut-off

Enrichment – Opportunities to explore topics and issues from (or beyond) regular curriculum in greater breadth and depth

Full-grade Acceleration – Skipping one year of school

Pull-out Program – offers learning opportunities dedicated to gifted instruction.

Subject Acceleration – Joining a higher class for one subject

2E/3E Abbreviations:

504 Plan – Another type of educational contract with a school for accommodations to assist learning

ADHD – Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder

Dyscalculia – Difficulty with mathematical reasoning and number sense

Dysgraphia – Difficulty with writing abilities. may include handwriting difficulty, trouble getting thoughts onto paper, spelling

Dyslexia – Difficulty with language processing, such as decoding speech, written language, or the relationship between the two

EBD – Emotional/Behavioral Disorder

IEP – Individualized Education Plan, the special education instruction, supports, and services a student needs to thrive in school developed when they have barriers to their learning.

LD – Learning Disability

NVLD – Non-Verbal Learning Disability

Sensory Processing Disorder – Difficulty processing information from the senses (touch, movement, smell, taste, vision, and hearing)


Ability Tests or IQ tests – show how well  a person thinks or what their capability is for learning.

Achievement Tests – tests designed to see what a student has already learned.

ACT – American College Test

CLEP – College Level Examination Program

CogAT – Cognitive Ability Test 

EXPLORE – ACT’s College Readiness Test for 8th and 9th graders

FAST – Formative Assessment System for Teachers

Integrated Acceleration System  – a comprehensive online tool for determining whether acceleration is a good fit for a child developed by the Belin Blank Institute

MAP – Measure of Academic Progress

NNAT – Naglieri Non-verbal Ability Test

SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test

SB-5 – Stanford-Binet (5th ed.)

WISC-V – Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (5th ed.)